Guardado 5 veces
Mouse 8 Yr old 12.3hh Paint Quarter Pony Gelding
Puja en subasta
Referencia del anuncio: 4298753
Tipo de anuncio: Caballo de subasta
Fecha de publicación: 09.12.2024
llamada a los anuncios: 2662
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♦️ IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS ♦️ Happening now thru TUESDAY | DECEMBER 10th - Available EXCLUSIVELY on PonyBid's website! For more details and to register visit: www.Ponybid.com CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Heartland Equine 417-793-2253 LOCATION: Mt Vernon Mo BREED: Quarter pony REGISTERED: No COLOR: Paint HEIGHT: 12.3 AGE: 8 GENDER: Gelding Mouse rides off like a big horse, he has lots of miles under his belt out in the pasture & on the trails. He has a big lofty trot and smooth lope. Stays soft in the bridle, very broke and easy to ride. Nice stop and picks up all his gaits. He moves out nicely and can cover some ground. Mouse has dabbled in a bit of everything from trail riding to pasture roping and flat work in the arena. If you are looking for a step-up or ranch pony- Mouse is your man. An experienced cow kid would have an absolute blast on this pony! Stands to be saddled, bridled and mounted. Loves to be groomed. Easy to catch. Not a mean bone in his body- no buck, kick, bite or rear. Good for the farrier, up to date on vaccines & dental work. He is sound, sane & ready to be your cow kids #1 mount!

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