Oldenburgo Semental Potro (04/2024) Castaño in Wedemark
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vielversprechendes braunes Hengstfohlen, geboren im April 2024

Tipo de anuncio: Caballos en venta
Referencia del anuncio: 4124936
Fecha de publicación: 12.09.2024
llamada a los anuncios: 1743
Agregar a tu lista de favoritos: 10
7.500 €
7.500 € Negociable
Vendedor básico
65529 Waldems
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Más informaciones

El ""Oldenburgo"" es una raza de caballo de deporte con origen en el norte de Alemania. Los caballos Oldenburgos han logrado muchos éxitos internacionales en competiciones de salto, doma clásica y concursos de completo. Originalmente, el Oldenburgo era de estatura pesada y se utilizaba como caballo ... Más sobre la raza de los caballos Oldenburgo
Potro (04/2024)
Doma clásica
Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes e.V. (OL)
Sin Desbravar
es fácil de transportar
guiado por un cabestro
noble al herrero
directamente desde el productor
Tiene pasaporte equino


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*** english below***

Zum Verkauf steht ein vielversprechendes braunes Hengstfohlen, geboren im April 2024.

Vater: Sky
Mutter: Tochter von Daily Deal
Beschreibung des Hengstfohlens: Unser prächtiges braunes Hengstfohlen besticht nicht nur durch seine exzellente Abstammung, sondern auch durch seinen wunderbaren Charakter und seine hervorragenden Bewegungen. Von Geburt an zeigt er eine bemerkenswerte Neugierde und Lernbereitschaft, die ihn zu einem idealen Partner für ambitionierte Amateurreiter machen.
Abstammung im Detail:
Sky: Sky ist ein hochdekorierter Hengst, bekannt für seine beeindruckenden Bewegungen und seine ruhige, ausgeglichene Art. Er hat sich im Dressursport auf hohem Niveau bewährt und seine Nachkommen zeigen durchweg eine hohe Leistungsbereitschaft und hervorragende Rittigkeit.
Daily Deal: Als erfolgreicher Vererber hat Daily Deal zahlreiche sporterfolgreiche Nachkommen hervorgebracht. Seine Kinder zeichnen sich durch ihren Arbeitswillen und ihre außergewöhnlichen Bewegungen aus. Daily Deal ist bekannt für seine Leichtfüßigkeit und sein Talent im Dressursport.
Besonderheiten: Alle Pferde aus diesem Stamm haben sich als hervorragende Amateurpferde erwiesen. Mit ihren tollen Bewegungen und ihrem wissbegierigen Wesen überzeugen sie auf ganzer Linie. Das hier angebotene Hengstfohlen ist keine Ausnahme und verspricht, ein treuer und leistungsstarker Begleiter im Sport zu werden.
Preis auf Anfrage.
Für weitere Informationen oder zur Vereinbarung eines Besichtigungstermins, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage und darauf, Ihnen diesen vielversprechenden Nachwuchs persönlich vorzustellen.

For sale is a promising bay colt foal, born in April 2024.
Sire: Sky
Dam: Daughter of Daily Deal
Description of the Colt Foal: Our splendid bay colt foal impresses not only with his excellent pedigree but also with his wonderful character and outstanding movements. From birth, he has shown remarkable curiosity and eagerness to learn, making him an ideal partner for ambitious amateur riders.
Pedigree in Detail:
Sky: Sky is a highly decorated stallion, known for his impressive movements and calm, balanced nature. He has proven himself at a high level in dressage and his offspring consistently demonstrate a high willingness to perform and excellent rideability.
Daily Deal: As a successful sire, Daily Deal has produced numerous sport-successful offspring. His progeny are characterised by their willingness to work and exceptional movements. Daily Deal is renowned for his light-footedness and talent in dressage.
Special Features: All horses from this lineage have proven to be excellent amateur horses. With their great movements and eager-to-learn nature, they are convincing in every way. The colt foal offered here is no exception and promises to be a loyal and powerful companion in sport.
Price on request.
For more information or to arrange a viewing appointment, please contact us.
We look forward to your inquiry and to introducing you to this promising young horse in person.
Este texto ha sido traducido automáticamente.
*** english below***

For sale is a promising bay colt, born in April 2024.

Sire: Sky
Dam: Daughter of Daily Deal
Description of the colt: Our magnificent bay colt not only impresses with his excellent pedigree, but also with his wonderful character and outstanding movements. From birth, he shows a remarkable curiosity and willingness to learn, making him an ideal partner for ambitious amateur riders.
Pedigree in detail:
Sky: Sky is a highly decorated stallion, known for his impressive movements and calm, even-tempered nature. He has proven himself in dressage at a high level and his offspring consistently show a high willingness to perform and excellent rideability.
Daily Deal: As a successful sire, Daily Deal has produced numerous successful sport offspring. His offspring are characterized by their willingness to work and their exceptional movements. Daily Deal is known for his light-footedness and talent in dressage.
Special features: All horses from this line have proven to be excellent amateur horses. With their great movements and inquisitive nature, they are convincing all along the line. The colt offered here is no exception and promises to be a loyal and powerful companion in sport.
Price on request.
For further information or to arrange a viewing appointment, please contact us.
We look forward to your inquiry and to presenting this promising youngster to you personally.

For sale is a promising bay colt foal, born in April 2024.
Sire: Sky
Dam: Daughter of Daily Deal
Description of the Colt Foal: Our splendid bay colt foal impresses not only with his excellent pedigree but also with his wonderful character and outstanding movements. From birth, he has shown remarkable curiosity and eagerness to learn, making him an ideal partner for ambitious amateur riders.
Pedigree in detail:
Sky: Sky is a highly decorated stallion, known for his impressive movements and calm, balanced nature. He has proven himself at a high level in dressage and his offspring consistently demonstrate a high willingness to perform and excellent rideability.
Daily Deal: As a successful sire, Daily Deal has produced numerous sport-successful offspring. His progeny are characterized by their willingness to work and exceptional movements. Daily Deal is renowned for his light-footedness and talent in dressage.
Special Features: All horses from this lineage have proven to be excellent amateur horses. With their great movements and eager-to-learn nature, they are convincing in every way. The colt foal offered here is no exception and promises to be a loyal and powerful companion in sport.
Price on request.
For more information or to arrange a viewing appointment, please contact us.
We look forward to your inquiry and to introducing you to this promising young horse in person.




30900 Wedemark, Niedersachsen


Vendedor básico
65529 Waldems

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