Mis favoritos 7
TOP PSL / Sport Horse
20.000 € - 40.000 €
20.000 € - 40.000 €
Referencia del anuncio: 4103362
Tipo de anuncio: Caballos en venta
Fecha de publicación: 19.06.2024
llamada a los anuncios: 4949
es fácil de transportar
examen del veterinario (precompra) disponible
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Tiene pasaporte equino
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Ich präsentiere Ihnen diesen TOP PSL mit blauem Buch, Wallach, 4Jahre alt, 1,61cm. Süßer und ruhiger Charakter. Sehr talentiertes Pferd für Dressur und Sport / Wettbewerb. Gute Röntgenbilder! Follow-us ... Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok/Youtube Wir organisieren Vetcheck & Transport !!! Kontakt-uns (+34)657314412.
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I present you this TOP PSL with blue book, gelding, 4years old, 1.61cm. Sweet and calm character. Very talented horse for dressage and sport / competition. Good XRAYS!!! Follow-us... Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok/Youtube We organize vetcheck & transport !!! Contact-us (+34)657314412.
I present you this TOP PSL with blue book, gelding, 4years old, 1.61cm. Sweet and calm character. Very talented horse for dressage and sport / competition. Good XRAYS!! Follow-us .. Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok/Youtube We organize vetcheck & transport !! Contact-us (+34)657314412.
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Je vous présente ce TOP PSL avec blue book, hongre, 4 ans, 1.61cm. Caractère doux et calme. Cheval très talentueux pour le dressage et le sport / compétition. Bonnes radiographies ! Suivez-nous ... Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok/Youtube Nous organisons le vetcheck & le transport ! !! Contactez-nous (+34)657314412.
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Ik presenteer u deze TOP PSL met blauw boekje, ruin, 4 jaar oud, 1.61cm. Lief en rustig karakter. Zeer getalenteerd paard voor dressuur en sport/wedstrijd. Goede XRAYS! Volg ons ... Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok/Youtube Wij organiseren vetcheck & transport !!! Neem contact met ons op (+34)657314412.
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Jag presenterar dig denna TOP PSL med blå bok, valack, 4år gammal, 1,61cm. Söt och lugn karaktär. Mycket talangfull häst för dressyr och sport / tävling. Bra XRAYS! Följ oss ... Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok/Youtube Vi organiserar vetcheck & transport !!! Kontakta oss (+34)657314412.

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Alex Andalusian Horses - Your trusted agent to buy the horse of your dream Trainer / Rider / Trainer / Internship Follow-me on Instagram /Facebook/Tiktok and Youtube! Dressage/High School Training/Liberty Barock horse / Special Color / Foals Whatsapp..+34657314412 We have more 100 horses available in Spain !!We choose our horses in person We organize vetcheck, transport and quarantine!!
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