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Stunning high potenional well bred mare by Toto Jr

20.000 € - 40.000 €
20.000 € - 40.000 €
VZH Horses
5541NC Reusel Países Bajos
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KWPN es una abreviatura para el libro genealógico del Warmblood de los Países Bajos: ""Koninklijke Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland"". Las líneas maternales de esta raza se remontan sobre todo a las razas nativas, pesadas de los caballos Gelderlander o Groninger. Hasta hoy en día se cruzan freque ... Más sobre la raza de los caballos KWPN
3 años
172 cm
Doma clásica
Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland


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Sire Glock's Toto Jr, the son of the legendary Totilas, has already made his mark in breeding. Not only through his own performances at international Grand Prix level, but perhaps even more so through the very good offspring he has produced!
Mother Famous Grirl (Elite) has already given us some very good (and tall) offspring. Popeye VZH (see our YouTube channel) was already placed 2nd in England as a 4 year old with 84.40%! Both full sister La Reina and daughter La Donna, by another full sister Henriette, were invited to the NMK. This dam line also produced the stallions Dream of Heidelberg I - II and III, Wer Weiss, Del Vento, Richellieux, Rialto and Agilan.
Sire Glock's Toto Jr, the son of the legendary Totilas, has already made his mark in breeding. Not only through his own performances at international Grand Prix level, but perhaps even more so through the very good offspring he has produced!
Mother Famous Grirl (Elite) has already given us some very good (and tall) offspring. Popeye VZH (see our YouTube channel) was already placed 2nd in England as a 4 year old with 84.40%! Both full sister La Reina and daughter La Donna, by another full sister Henriette, were invited to the NMK. This dam line also produced the stallions Dream of Heidelberg I - II and III, Wer Weiss, Del Vento, Richellieux, Rialto and Agilan.
Este texto ha sido traducido automáticamente.
El semental Glock's Toto Jr, hijo del legendario Totilas, ya ha dejado huella en la cría. No sólo por sus propias actuaciones a nivel de Gran Premio internacional, sino quizás aún más por la muy buena descendencia que ha producido.
La madre Famous Grirl (Elite) ya nos ha dado algunos hijos muy buenos (y altos). Popeye VZH (ver nuestro canal de YouTube) ya fue 2º en Inglaterra a los 4 años con un 84,40%. Tanto su hermana mayor La Reina como su hija La Donna, de otra hermana mayor Henriette, fueron invitadas al NMK. Esta línea materna también produjo los sementales Dream of Heidelberg I - II y III, Wer Weiss, Del Vento, Richellieux, Rialto y Agilan.
Este texto ha sido traducido automáticamente.
Il sire Glock's Toto Jr, figlio del leggendario Totilas, ha già lasciato il segno nell'allevamento. Non solo grazie alle sue performance a livello di Gran Premio internazionale, ma forse ancor di più grazie alla sua ottima prole!
La madre Famous Grirl (Elite) ci ha già dato alcuni ottimi (e alti) figli. Popeye VZH (vedi il nostro canale YouTube) si è già piazzato al secondo posto in Inghilterra a 4 anni con l'84,40%! Sia la sorella piena La Reina che la figlia La Donna, da un'altra sorella piena Henriette, sono state invitate alla NMK. Questa linea di fattrici ha prodotto anche gli stalloni Dream of Heidelberg I - II e III, Wer Weiss, Del Vento, Richellieux, Rialto e Agilan.
Sire Glock's Toto Jr, the son of the legendary Totilas, has already made his mark in breeding. Not only through his own performances at international Grand Prix level, but perhaps even more so through the very good offspring he has produced!
Mother Famous Grirl (Elite) has already given us some very good (and tall) offspring. Popeye VZH (see our YouTube channel) was already placed 2nd in England as a 4 year old with 84.40%! Both full sister La Reina and daughter La Donna, by another full sister Henriette, were invited to the NMK. This dam line also produced the stallions Dream of Heidelberg I - II and III, Wer Weiss, Del Vento, Richellieux, Rialto and Agilan.
Este texto ha sido traducido automáticamente.
Sire Glock's Toto Jr, syn legendarnego Totilasa, odcisnął już swoje piętno w hodowli. Nie tylko dzięki własnym występom na międzynarodowym poziomie Grand Prix, ale być może nawet bardziej dzięki bardzo dobremu potomstwu, które wyprodukował!
Matka Famous Grirl (Elite) dała nam już bardzo dobre (i wysokie) potomstwo. Popeye VZH (zobacz nasz kanał YouTube) już jako 4-latek zajął 2. miejsce w Anglii z wynikiem 84,40%! Zarówno pełna siostra La Reina, jak i córka La Donna, po innej pełnej siostrze Henriette, zostały zaproszone na NMK. Ta linia żeńska dała również ogiery Dream of Heidelberg I - II i III, Wer Weiss, Del Vento, Richelieux, Rialto i Agilan.


Glocks Toto Jr


VZH Horses
5541NC Reusel
Países Bajos
Página web: vzh-horses

Más informaciones

Virtual Zone Horses has become a renowned name in the equine industry for the sales and training of high quality dressage horses. Over the years we have a worldwide clientele and gain a very reliable reputation that we’re proud off. We have horses from 2,5 years unbroken up till Grand Prix horses. We have sold horses how competed at National, International, World Championships and even the Olympic games. We can arrange vetting’s, shipping, you can ask for references, just ask!

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VZH Horses
5541NC Reusel
Países Bajos

